Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Help Sick and Wrong Plan Fred Phelps Funeral Party

Sick and Wrong ( vows to throw the biggest funeral party the world has ever seen when that asshole Westboro Baptist Minister Fred Phelps finally kicks it. He's 80 right now so he probably has maybe 1 or 2 more years left. The time to start planning is now. Please list your suggestions, photos, performer wish list, etc...


  1. Have Lady Gaga play a set. I don't think he likes her very much.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Get Steel Panther, Lamb of God and the big four of thrash metal... that would be fucking awesome

  4. Get behemoth and some fucking black metal bands. Slayer needs to go to. You shoul make the hotub a huge fucking pentagram

  5. do we have to wait? Cant we have one now so he can come and protest at it?

  6. Have Kami(the HIV Positive muppet from the South African Sesame Street) perform a stand up comedy set while some sick fuck gives head to a minor in the background.

  7. May I suggest some outdoor entertainment for the "bastard" "Godless" children in the form of something like this.....?

  8. I think Gaahl needs to be there.

  9. I recommend that after fred has died gut fred and hallow out his torso and stuff him back up with candy and have a pinata party

  10. Dress up 4 black jewish homosexual abotionists as the horsemaen of the apocalypse and have them crash the funeral. Just when the Baptos are about to cum with god given extasy at the rapture freds death has obviously heralded, our horsemen can unmask, abort a baby, circumcise a couple of kids and then sodomise each other to within an inch of their lives.

  11. Remember to picket the funeral. There MUST be picketing. And I'm not gay, but I WILL have lots of butt sex on his grave. Well, I guess that is gay. I'll go gay. When I get round to it. I'm kinda busy. Oh well. remember picketing. :P

  12. I agree with what boner said earlier and when he gets there there will be so much group hate that no doubt there will be a riot were he is caught in and killed then maybe they could use like a ditch and burry him in the most demonic way possible with pentigrams surrounding his corpse and police won't be able to arrest everyone so a warning will probably be all they get because one death metal lover looks identical to the next in the polices eyes

  13. is this fucker dead yet?? did i miss the party?
